Letters from a Great Power丨Iron Friendship

Nestled along the scenic banks of the Danube River in northeastern Serbia, the small town of Smederevo has forged a remarkable bond with China, largely through a more-than-century-old steel mill. The narrative took a transformative turn eight years ago when a Chinese corporation became involved and President Xi Jinping visited, revitalizing the steel plant and symbolizing the “ironclad friendship” between China and Serbia.

When asked about the impact of Xi’s visit, Dalibor Ivanić, the deputy director of the cold-rolling mill at the Smederevo Steel Plant, expressed his gratitude. “We all recognize that without President Xi’s visit and the hope he brought for the future of this plant, we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

In an emotional letter addressed to President Xi in April 2024, representatives of the Serbian workers conveyed their respect and appreciation: “Dear President Xi Jinping, we are the workers of the Smederevo Steel Plant. Your upcoming visit to Serbia fills us with anticipation because you are not just a visitor; you are a dear friend of our city and our steel plant.”

Reflecting on the plant’s history, Ivanić shared, “I’m Dalibor Ivanić, and I’ve dedicated 11 years of my life to this mill. Since it opened in 1913, this plant has witnessed Smederevo’s transformation. However, in the late 1990s, various challenges pushed us toward crisis, nearly leading to bankruptcy.”

The plant’s struggles during those years resonated deeply within the community. Fellow worker Ivana recalled, “We were all scared. If the company failed, our families would be left without support.”

Song Sihai, the executive director, emphasized the rationale behind the collaboration with Serbia, stating, “In alignment with our national ‘Belt and Road’ initiative and considering our operational needs, we chose to partner with Serbia.”

Workers recounted the optimism that Xi’s previous visit instilled in them about their city’s revival. Ivanić felt a renewed sense of hope from Xi’s speech, while Mihailović, the plant’s operations director, was eager to showcase new equipment to the president, saying, “Xi was both pleased and surprised by our history.”

In his response to the workers, Xi expressed, “I was thrilled to receive your letter. Your heartfelt sentiments reminded me of the warm interactions we had eight years ago during my state visit. I truly appreciate your support for our partnership and your aspirations for the steel plant’s future.”

The workers’ reaction to Xi’s response was overwhelmingly positive. Ivanić said, “Learning that President Xi had replied left me incredibly inspired.” Mitrović, the deputy director of the sintering workshop, voiced gratitude on behalf of his colleagues, stating, “Our progress wouldn’t have been possible without his attention and concern.”

The April 2024 letter concluded with a powerful message: “Your dedication to transformation during your last visit has ushered in a new era for us. With Hebei Iron & Steel Group’s arrival, our lives have improved, and our city is slowly regaining its vitality.”

Ivanić commended the significant investments into the steel plant, noting, “New facilities have been established, boosting our competitiveness and ensuring a brighter future for our city. These past eight years have seen our lives flourishing.”

As Xi observed in his message, it’s clear that the growth of the Smederevo Steel Plant epitomizes a thriving partnership between China and Serbia, setting a benchmark for win-win cooperation.

Speaking on workplace relationships, Bojana from the office remarked, “We share a strong bond among colleagues. Whenever someone needs help, we’re there for each other. They frequently make dumplings for me because they know I love them.”

Looking toward the future, Ivanić summarized, “We’ve gained so much from our Chinese partners, and I hope our friendship continues to strengthen.” Mitrović expressed hopes for the cooperation between China and Serbia to ascend to new heights, while Cvjetanović wished for their “ironclad friendship” to fortify in the years to come.

In another heartfelt note, Xi reiterated, “The successful Smederevo Steel Plant stands as a testament to high-quality partnership in realizing the Belt and Road Initiative—an exemplary model of mutual benefit.”